The Lifetime consultation

Solutions of Life Made easy, through the revolution within.

You are born to succeed , you have right to live an extra large progressive life. If you are stuck at any milestone of life , you have the opportunity right here right now. 

Consult with us . Its all free , just write your problem situation and click on Send Message button.

    Consult with us . Its all free , just write your problem situation and click on Send Message button.

    Living in the society of being human we are flooded with numerous roles, responsibilities, emotions , feelings and desires. In this World, when everything and everyone is striving to be perfect , when every situation and every concern is striving to be fulfilled, when every job and every work is extra demanding, conflicts are bound to happen. 

    We, by nature, are emotional species. When emotions get affronted, feelings get dissed and self-esteem goes on lurch , we don’t see the right things rightly , rather our intelligence seeks for suggestions. At times we rush towards people around. At times we rush into our own inner-self. When nothing works , even the sounds within don’t settle , we start living a life filled with anxiety and stress. We remain stuck at one or the other occlusion of life. 

    If you have any such situation , you are not an exception. You may choose to stay anxious and restless or you may choose to break the shell.

    Common Problem Situations

    Student life and Success

    When we are at college, we know that to make an excellent career we first need good academics and for good academics we need to study. We need to be smart at studies rather a bookworm. We know that participating in social, cultural and sports activities are necessary to develop a good personality out of us. We know that one of our friends who is getting top scores in academics is also studying the same books in same college but in some different mystical manner which makes him/her a topper. Some may claim that a topper has comparatively better family support; better brain and better luck. Some may claim that being topper doesn’t ensure excellent career after-all.

    But, astonishingly, deep within the heart, we know it very well that these claims are not true, there is really some magical-instinct in him or her who tops than the one who fails or remains average.

    Common Problem Situations

    Job and career

    When we are at job, we know that we are paid for work and incentivized for outstanding work. It’s our coeval competency which gives us the job offer and it’s our growth on competency that awards appraisals & recognitions.
    What it takes to get incentivized or apprised, we know it all. We know the right move and wrong move; we know the difference between a feting and non-feting decision at work. Some may claim on organizational culture as unfit element for growth. Some may claim on unfair policies and practices. Others may claim on job-dissatisfaction as the root cause of their average performance.

    But, astonishingly; we know deep within the heart that such claims are not true, there is really some magical-instinct within the one who gets awarded and apprised than the one who is not.

    Common Problem Situations


    When we are at self-employment/business, we very well know our core competency, product, services and intellectual property. We keep exploring the opportunities to grow the business. We constantly upgrade our strengths to improve our market share. Either we own expertise, or we employ experts but we try hard to accelerate our client base. Still we see others’ business is growing much faster than us. Many people face this problem in their businesses. Some people may claim that the competitor has a better teams and iconic personalities who thrive the business greatly. Some may claim that business needs political connections to grow. Some may claim that marketing teams don’t work hard. Some other may claim that Global economy itself is non-supportive. 

    But, astonishingly; we know deep within the heart that all these claims are not true, there is really some magical-instinct in him or her whose business is growing multi-fold against all adversities.

    Problem situations

    Health, Emotions & Relationships

    When we are in relationship, we know that we have devoted veritable time, effort & care to establish the relationship at first. We know that a huge potential is underlying to nourish and explore it more. More we nourish the relationships with good behavior & positive actions more we explore the opportunities to create delightful and prosperous life. We know our responsibilities, expectations and duties. We know what it takes to strengthen the bond of trust and togetherness. But due to intrusion of contradictory thoughts or actions, our devotion and efforts start thinning, relationships start souring and conflicts start growing. We know that even tiny emotional wounds are enough to spoil the delightful togetherness manifested over years. We claim that all faults belong to the other person.
    We claim to be sensitive but become insensitive about others’ feelings. We do not miss a single opportunity to blame or defame the other person. Re-occurrences block us from revival and prompt us for interval. 

    But, astonishingly, deep within the heart we know that relationship is not an egg to crash under choler but a plant to flourish with care. We know that we have overridden our own faults for fruitless ego. We know that these claims are not aright, there is really some magical-instinct in him or her who manages relationships perfectly despite of conflicts and complexities.

    Choose to evolve the best version of yourself...

    choose to begin...

    the revolution within you.