The invincible power of
Amazing Mind
“Your real potential is contained between the gap
of what you are and what you can be,
Knowing your brain is first step to unleash that
humongous hidden potential.”
– Author | Sudhir K.V
“B4Sucess…the revolution within” will take you though the deep dive of every possible gap in your overall existence and will provide a series pragmatic solutions to solve those gaps. It will develop a new paradigm, new mindset, new ways of thinking, new ways of working and new ways of transforming your life from average to awesome.
Brain:“Possibly, it is the creator of what you are today and what you may be tomorrow.”
Brain is the most complex organ in human body. Containing over 100 billion nerve cells and engendering over 70,000 thoughts per day, it creates very dynamic spectrum of feelings. It is the brain which stores memories, creates thoughts, perceives experiences, and turns vision into actions. Brain creates it’s own realities based upon the thoughts and experiences we allow to pass though it.
Think back to your childhood days. That time brain was novice and has no analytical capabilities to filter the incoming information. It was highly receptive to all the inputs. It was not capable of being selective, like it is today. It was fearless and happy, unlike it is today.It had unargumentative trust and adaptability, unlike it is today. People around us, were our parents, teachers or friends. They have mentored the novice brain, sometimes deliberately and sometimes unknowingly. And that’s how your brain has shaped its “initial-frame-of-thoughts-and-attitude”. The formation of “foundational mindset” was not your own careful selection but, intentionally or unintentionally, it was implanted in you by others. With the growing age, your brain has acquired one of the most self-aggrandizing traits of human nature and that is “analytics” – a capability to review everything from your own perspective before proffering. The perspective which is certainly not of your own thoughtful creation but an influenced outcome of the basic nature of your “foundational mindset”.
Try to look back into your decisions and perspective over certain opportunities or threats you faced in past. Do you feel, at that point in time, if your decision could have been “x” rather than “y” then you could have achieved what you really wished, but missed? In past, your perspective may not had been mature enough to derive the desired benefits and somehow your “analytics” gone wrong. Certainly, you don’t want to repeat similar
regrets in future. Do you?
It is the analytical capability of your brain that can transform your ‘foundational-mindset’ into a ‘right-growth-mindset’ and further into “smart-mindset”. This analytical capability is not only about mathematical
calculations or logical reasoning but a capability to select right thoughts and discard wrong ones before they enter into your brain. It’s about the capability that can wisely control the spectrum-of-feelings and attain blissful emotional-equilibrium.
Belief: “Belief is an intangible property and we all have plenty of it in possession. It is the largest asset if it is positive but heaviest threat if negative.”
A grown up brain has huge trail of experiences relating to each and every
aspect of its owner’s life. Experiences are stored in subconscious brain and pop-up immediately by a stimulus. Once the belief is activated it enormously affects your behavior. No matter how brave, intelligent or dominant you are, once belief takes over you loose all controls on your own mind, body and soul. Are you aware of all your beliefs? you may claim a “yes” for sure.
But in reality ninety percent of our believes are unconscious believes, and we are well aware of none. We know only ten percent of our own believes but allow rest ninety percent to govern our life, unconsciously.
This why we do what we don’t intend to do, we get what we don’t want to get and we achieve not what we want to achieve.
Behavior: “Experiences of life develop the belief system. Belief system formulates the perspective. The perspective develops dynamic spectrum of feelings. What we feel inside is reciprocated outside in the form of behavior.”
Behavior is crucial, it projects our image on the canvas of outside world. What we project, knowingly or unknowingly, becomes our perceived personality. How people behave with us is dependent on how they perceive our personality. Behavior is extremely precious and palpable commodity. It is enormously rewarding if tuned rightly with things-people and situations.
But if tuned wrongly, then nothing else can destroy you as quickly your behavior can. Behavior is a two sided sword, sharp and dangerous yet concurring and victorious.
Behavior executes continuously in “four-concurrent-dimensions”.
All four dimensions are present in everyone’s life. Two are bidirectional
communications between self and inner-self, other two are bidirectional
communications between self and others. If we are neither completely aware of our foundational-mindset nor the unconscious beliefs, then certainly we are not aware of our own behavior too. We just behave the way we are but most of the time we don’t get desired returns.
Frontal Lobe – works for reasoning, planning, parts of speech, movement, emotions, and problem solving
Parietal Lobe – works for movement, orientation, recognition, perception of stimuli
Occipital Lobe – associated with visual processing
Temporal Lobe – associated with perception and recognition of auditory stimuli, memory, and speech
Human brain holds numerous unfolded mysteries under its biological surface. All the developmental science till date could not discover Wholistic details of human brain and its functions. The discovered is small, the known is even smaller. But still ‘this little cognition’ available about brain functions is vast enough to enlighten your way of life, it’s detailed enough to design your life the way you want.
Life throws challenges before us every day, every minute. Some are usual, some are unusual. We have traveled through a journey of challenges one after another since birth till date. From passing the academic exams to getting the first job and then sustaining there with respect and recognition, we faced many challenges and dealt with them. From establishing a business, to achieving a sustainable growth margin and, then expanding it to captivate trust and substantial share of marketplace, we faced numerous usual and unusual
circumstances. From being single to getting married and then balancing among personal, professional and social aspects of life we have faced humongous emotional challenges and coped with them. We are living a multidimensional life surrounded with multidirectional challenges. If we have addressed them all correctly in past and addressing them all intellectually at present, then we may have achieved a self-fulfilling life. If we have addressed them wrongly and still addressing them unwisely then certainly, we have created a self-devastated life.
This is a serious reason to look within and rewire the circuits of our own brain. It’s necessary, not only to remove the anxiety and stress from the life at present but also to create a new enlightened environment in which we can flourish and succeed effortlessly.
The book , B4Success…the revolution within, provides the way. The most pragmatic way to rewire your brain to transform it into an invincible solution factory for all problems of your life.