The Unexplored
Way of life
“When you wanted to do something but
ended-up doing something else,
then it’s actually not ‘you’ who did it.
It’s either your fortune or your unconscious mind.”
– Author | Sudhir K.V
The content of your mind is not yours. It is humongous heap of data accumulated through the feeds from your external world. Mind is like a recording device with unlimited memory. Its always-on and always recording.
Anything and everything that come across your five senses, get recorded and stored in your mind as living data. Some of the recordings have got your dedicated attention and became content of your conscious mind, some have got your partial attention and became content of your subconscious mind, rest all remained unattended and became the content of your unconscious mind.
All the three minds never live in silos but they interact with each other to pull and push data from one’s space to the other’s space.
The interactions, happening within your three levels of minds, have formulated your behaviour and your behaviour has written the content of your life book.
“Your whole existence is created by the behavior that
you manifest for yourself and for others.”
This manifestation is completely based on the quality of communication you are able to establish with your external and internal worlds. Decently equilibrated communication is the most elementary need for human to survive and flourish, yet it is most overlooked concern since ever. From the outer surface communication looks damn easy thing, you just receive and revert responses. It happens naturally. So obvious, so true and so simple.
But actually, its not the reality of life! Communication is neither easy nor obvious. It is a composite expression of extremely complex psychological, physiological and neurological flows happening within your body and brain all the time. Each of your expression is evoked and structured by some or other pattern of your emotional stature. Emotions are elicited from your feelings, feelings are induced from your interpretations that you make out of your perceptions and your perceptions remain baised to your underlying beliefs.
What you observe goes inside your brain through the bodily senses, the brain registers them into the
memory as an experience, the experience registers a specific belief in your subconscious mind, the belief
forms your mental pattern, this mental pattern generates your perspective. You look at the things through your perspective, your perspective selects your observation. Your observation goes back into your brain and cycle starts again. This goes on every moment. Thus, you always have specific mental patterns about specific people, objects and situations. These mental patterns collectively establish your mindset. Your mindset is the driver of all your thoughts and actions, your abilities and inabilities even your likings and disliking.
Yes, you read it right. What you like or dislike is really not your choice, but it is the choice of your mindset.
Do you believe that your Mom is the best cook in the world? Answer is a sure shot Yes! No one else can cook the food as delicious as she cooks and you like the food cooked by your mom, the most. But look at it carefully. Is that food being the most delicious food ever cooked in the entire World? obviously not. You like it most because it is liked by your “mindset” that has been developed about taste of food, since your childhood. The same experience of taste has been repeatedly feasted through your taste buds into your mental-patterns and became your perspective about taste. That’s why, you always remain inclined towards that taste. If you look at yourself closely, you will discover the same phenomena is applicable to all your likes and dislikes. Though, there is a bit of genetic contribution too, but that fades with time and gets overwritten by your repetitive experiences.
These experiences are crucial, they are the creator of your feelings and emotions about a person, place or thing. Be careful about your experiences, they are the basis of your overall personality.
Your experiences have immense power to build and alter your physical and intellectual health. They can make your mind-space an eminent house of pleasure or endless forest of pain. They are capable enough to build your prosperity or vanish your wealth. Remember, your experiences are the creator of your mindset and your mindset is architect of your life.
If you look at your past from the glass of present wisdom, you will clearly see all your wrong decisions, behavior and actions. You will realize that “when” you could have done “what” differently so that you could
have achieved that you couldn’t. You will realize that there was a better way flashing just before your eyes, but you missed, else life could have been different today.
“There was always a way, you could have
gained things differently.”
About many things ‘today’ we, wish, could have done differently, but can’t go back and change the past. We cannot go against nature’s law. We did what we did based on our wisdom present within us at that point of
time. That was done as per the guidance of our past mindset. Today, our mindset has little more perspectives than it had yesterday.
Today again, we have the opportunity to take control of our mindset-cycle and we must do that.
At what success level you are today, is outcome of decisions and choices you made in past. At what level you will be tomorrow, will be outcome of your decisions and choices you make at present. Be nostalgic for a minute. Revisit your past decisions and choices. Revisit what went wrong and what went right. Why it went wrong and why it went right. What you could have done but what you did? What you could have gained but what you got?
No one wants a failure but still fail. No one wants to muddle on their relationships but still they do. No one wants stress in life but still get stressed often. No one wants to collect unpleasant feelings but still, keep
accumulating it. No one wants to take wrong move but still, keep doing it. No one wants to be criticized, misbehaved, misunderstood, undermined, threatened, hated, penalized or disregarded but still that happens. No one wants to create a negative self-image but still it gets created.
Question is – Why?
Answer is – hidden within the deep layers of your own Mind.
“It’s not difficult to transform from depression to elation.
It just needs a pinch of positivity to be inserted into the mindset-cycle rest
all will happen automatically.”
Isn’t it? Yes! Is this anything unheard for you? Not actually. It’s all known to you and me and to everyone else. But the Question is, when it’s already known to us then why the negative mindset cycles, even, exists within us? Why one person observes most of the positive things, great opportunities, intense love, upright prosperity and blissful health while other person observes most of the negative things, huge problems, acute
hatred, miserable scarcities and diminishing health.
If you are convinced that it has something truly related to your contemporary mindset, then you have already reached to the contemplation stage of adapting tremendous change within you to conform with
upcoming aggrandizement. You have already entered onto the trajectory of your remarkable success. This trajectory will not only lead you to the utmost achievements you ever imagined but will permanently solve all your problem situations that are blocking your success since long.
Question is – How?
Click the “Take Action” on the top menu , begin your most fruitful journey towards your most awaited success.